3.4sWell, okay, but that better be all there is.
3.77sOh, Amy, you'll be a mother!
4.7sWhat a wondrous affirmation of our love and all from the touch of your hand.
2.24sDude, hold up.
3.19sKif touched everybody there. Couldn't any one of us be the mother?
3.4sHey, yeah! I mean, what about that, Kif?
2.9sWell, I suppose I might've gotten pregnant that way.
1.93sOr even from a toilet seat--
3.37sthough that's impossible, since I have a private washroom.
3sAh, my home away from home.
4.52sBy the way, Kif, your flush seems to be set on "stun," not "kill."