5.04sAnd it's gonna be impossible to spend time together like this if we're raising another child.
1.97sWell i--I thought, uh, you know,
1.93sBrian would kind of do a lot of the work.
1.1sI don't know.
3.2sI mean, Stewie alone needs so much attention.
2.3sMaybe we should hold off on havin' another baby.
1.43syeah, You may be right.
1.87sNo! No! No! You must receive his seed!
2.32sOh, Ho, Ho. Look who's here.
2.34sB-But, Lois, we-- We--we still get to do it, right?
1.53sHoney, not in front of Stewie.
2.3sOk. Back in a minute.
1.4sNo! No! No! No!
1.03sCome back here this instant,
2.17syou fat bastard, and do her!
1.37sStop--Stop it.