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2.25sPeter, Meg's been suspended from school.
1.33sThat's okay. Whatever she wants to do.
2.47sShe cracked three kids' skulls open!
1.33sEver since she's gotten out of prison,
2sshe is completely out of control.
1.85sDon't you see? That's what the penal system does in this country.
2.9sIt turns small-time offenders into hardened criminals.
4.9sLook at Meg. They took an innocent little girl and turned her into a psychotic, sociopathic freak.
1.07sWhat'd you say, Brian?
2.07sOh, I was just picking up on something Lois said.
1.5sWhat was it? What'd you say, Lois?
1.4sSomething about Meg being a freak?
2.59sOh, no, I didn't say anything.
1.43sPeter said something about Meg,
1.6swhich I completely disagree with.
1.25sThat wasn't me.
1.8sStewie was really laying into Meg about something.
1.97sYeah, it was Stewie. Definitely Stewie.
1.6sOh, so now everyone understands me.
2.65sLook, Meg, we're just worried about you.
2.05sWell, don't. I can take care of myself.
2.02sI'll be out of here by the end of the week.
1.13sPunch yourself in the face.
2.64s(WHIMPERS) Punch yourself in the face!
3.64s(WHIMPERING) All right, he doesn't know what he's doing.
1.62sYou, fatso, punch your baby in the...
1.77s- I did good, Meg? - Shut up.