1.4sAll right, Lois. Go ahead. Say it.
3.14s(SIGHS) Chris! It's time for supper!
2.1s(CHRIS SQUEALING) Whoa, there! Whoa, there! Whoa, there!
1.47sWhoa, there! Whoa, there! Whoa, there!
1.57sWhoa, there! Whoa, there! Whoa, there!
2.97sWhoa, there! Whoa, there! Whoa, there!
2.74sWhoa, there! Whoa, there! Whoa, there!
2.53sAll right. I am ready for the rodeo.
1.77sMom, when's it Dad's turn?
1.23sI don't know, Chris.
3.5sBut I think we should all pray for your father that he comes out of this uninjured.