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5.23sI'm haunted by uncontrollable thoughts of mutilation and sexual assault on a near daily basis.
2.53sBut, you know, I channel it all into my work.
1.63s- Oh, Wow. - Huh.
2.03sI never got that impression from reading "Marmaduke."
3.63sWell, did you get the impression I was trying to make you laugh?
2.37sTell me that wasn't Brad Anderson.
2.09sAw, see? You hear that, Marty Jr.?
2.16sMaybe you could try being a creative of some kind.
4.27sMaybe! I always have sort of wanted to see my face on the back of a novel.
2.94sI mean, what I really want to do is slit people's throats,
1.09sbut beyond that...
2.2sI know you can do it, son.
2.37sI think it's time I get a place of my own,
4.96sI promise I'll call you every day I need money or a place to do laundry.
6.9sSo, I assume this novel your son writes is gonna pay for my rear axle?
1.63sIsn't it interesting, Summer,