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4.19sCome here, people!
3.42sArr, matey. Nary a warning light to be seen.
3.07s'Tis clear sailing ahead for our precious cargo.
4.05sUh, would that be the hot pants, sir? Aye. The hot pants.
4.14sWell, I won't be lonely for long.
4.47sHee, hee!
2.27sHuh? Whuzzat?
3.02sOh, Homer! Thank goodness you're safe.
3.27sI woke up, and you weren't there, and I was so worried.
3.85sReally? You were? But how did you find me?
2.72sWell, I was sure you'd be on foot...
3.4sbecause you always say public transportation is for losers.
4.94sAnd I was sure you'd head west because Springfield slopes down that way.
1.97sAnd then I saw the lighthouse,