2.72sKnock it off. Come here. Come on, bring it.
2.34sYeah, yeah. Hug it out, bitch.
1.97sHug it out, yeah. Spray that hug all over me.
1.2sWhat's wrong with you?
4.34sWhat? I just wanna share my throbbing emotions and shoot hot hug all over you.
1.57sI don't get why that's a problem.
2.55sHey, Luke. Take care of yourself, okay?
1.52sYou, too.
1.6sHey, what'd you end up doing with that dog we kidnapped?
1.62sI killed it and ate it!
1.25sYeah! Yeah! Yeah!
1.87sRebels! Rebels! Rebels!
1.4s- Empire sucks!
- Rebels!
1sRebels! Yeah!
1.9sYeah, Rebels! Yeah.