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2.72sGet your skis shined up Grab a stick of Juicy Fruit
2.67sThe taste is gonna move ya
3.34sTake a sniff Pull it out
4.4sThe taste is gonna move ya when you pop it in your mouth
2.59sJuicy Fruit is gonna move ya
3.04sIt chews so soft, it gets right to ya
1.58sJuicy Fruit
3.07sThe taste, the taste, the taste is gonna move ya
1.5sHow you doing, kid?
2.13sYou look strong enough to pull the ears off Jennifer Garner.
1.7sThanks to you.
2.2sWell, your managed- to-keep-me-around- a-little-longerness,
2.47sit looks like you managed to keep me around a little longer.
2.44sI assure you, I had nothing to do with it.
1.7sYeah, right.
2.5sI think you just can't stand to let a fat guy like me out of your sight.
5.99sWhy, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!
3.5sYou can't use that word! Only we can use that word!