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3.29sOh, dear. I hope I wasn't too rough on him.
3.7sSomebody had to tell him, Mom. In the long run, it's much kinder to--
3.47sDo you mind?
4.64sAll week, my lifelong dream was to be the next Thomas Edison,
2.1sbut now it's over.
2.55sI guess I'll just give up my hopes and dreams...
4.07sand settle for being a decent husband and father.
1.37sHomer! Dad!
0.43sWhat happened? You didn't fall.
3.2sOh, that.
1.75sI stuck a couple extra legs on there...
3.77s'cause I kept tipping over when I was trying to invent stuff.
2.62sThey're on hinges. That's really ingenious, Dad.
3.72sIt could save lives. Really? You think it's a good idea?
2.5sOh, yeah. Safety sells, especially to lame-o's.
0.5sI'd buy one.
1.54sMe too.
1.88sI did it! I'm gonna be rich!