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3.15sDearest Calculon, forever is not enough time...
3.37sto tell you of the many ways I love you.
1.39sOh, my!
0.66sIs there a doctor in--
2.86sI came as soon as I could.
4.77sOh, it appears to be a case of African Hydraulic Fever.
1.68sDear God!
2.87sThe very illness my TV character caught in season two...
2.07swhen I was holding out for more money.
1.89sIt's often fatal.
2.24sWhatever happens, remember--
4.24sthe flame of my eternal love will burn forever.
2.72sOf course. But, smoochy-pops,
4.24sI thought one could only catch Hydraulic Fever deep in the diamond mines of the Congo.
2.17sCoilette! You she-devil!
3.99sYou really thought you could steal those diamonds from me and Congo jack?
2.54sThose gems belong to the natives!
3.82sOh, how cruel and melodramatic fate is.