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3.22s- Hey, hot stuff. - Hey, Flexo.
3.65sSo since when do you go to bars on work nights?
1.98sIt's not like you at all.
1.71sNonsense. It's exactly like me.
4.84sFlexo, the fun-lovin' love machine fembots love to love.
2.29sHey, barkeep, I'll have a fuzzy navel,
2.7sand she'll have the girliest drink in the house.
1.73sTwo fuzzy navels comin' up.
2.82sI hope they can make change for a fortune.
4.69sYo, get an eyeload of that filthy scab with the beard...
2.27sFlashin' his filthy scab money.
2.2sIt's an insult to you, boss.
3.44sThat cash oughta be slushin' my fund and kicks-in' my back.
1.98sI'm greasin' up my whoozits.
1.93sWhoa, whoa, Clamps. Not yet.
3.6sLet's just keep an eye on him and see if he does it a couple more times.
2.43sYou're looking good to Flexo tonight.
3.25sQuit makin' with the googly eyes. You know that I'm in love with Bender.