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1.58sLook, I know it's an inconvenience,
2.8sbut it's a wonderful gift to be able to give someone,
1.87sso I am going through with it.
2.5sWell, I support you, Lois. I think it's great what you're doing.
1.02sYeah, it's great.
1.97sYou're treating your vagina like a Red Roof Inn.
1.07sThat's not how it is, Stewie.
4.44sShe's doing something wonderful for a couple who can't have their own children and are too egotistical to adopt.
2.8sYou know what's interesting about Lois' vagina, Brian?
2.9sEveryone in this room has been in there except for you.
2.47sYou're the only one who doesn't know what it looks like.
5.15sLois, I don't want you walking around all pregnant for nine months just to hand over the thing when it comes out, like a hen to a farmer.
1.23sI mean, why's it got to be you?
3.44sBecause they need a healthy female body to carry the baby.
1sI can do it!
1.33sOh, come on, Meg.
2.07sIt was hard enough on your body when you gave birth to Stewie.
2.94s(LAUGHING) I'm just joking.
1.83s(GROANING) Not cool.
3sBut really, Meg, you don't know anything about this stuff.
2.57sYou've never even had a boyfriend more than a few weeks.