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1.87syou already have tiny arms.
3.77sArms that will one day work, play, and fold in prayer.
3.69s(CHEERING) But... Uh-oh. What's this?
3.34s(SCREAMING) Oh, my God!
1.43sWell, he's gone,
4.6sjust like so many other promising human lives who were probably snuffed out by abortion,
2.17slike the guy who would have killed Hitler.
2.17sNice going, Schweinhund!
1.77sThe fourth Stooge. That's right.
2.44sThere were supposed to be four Stooges!
2.05sIt was gonna be hilarious!
3.97sAnd Osama Bin Laden's America-loving older brother.
2.34sI would have talked him out of it!
3.72sWow. Thanks a lot for 9/11, abortion enthusiasts!
2.44sAnd remember, not only is abortion murder,