1.59sYou gotta accept your part ofthe blame!
1.76sI'm not the one who fouled up the serum!
1.76sI'm not the one who -- who -- who --
1.37swho haphazardly, you know,
3.4smixed a bunch of nonsense together and created a bunch of Cronenbergs!
2.3sYou gotta fix this, Rick!
All right, all right, Marty,
1.66sYou know, w-w-w-we are in a pretty deep hole, here,
4.6sbut I do have one emergency solution that I can use that'll kind of put everything back to normal,
1.43srelatively speaking.
3.4sHere, Marty, put this on while I do a little bit of scouting.
1.93sMORTY: Wow, Rick, I gotta say --