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3.24sIt's been 50 years since they disappeared.
3.97sI knew you had other crews, but you never told us you had a first crew.
3.85sI remember it like it was interesting.
3.99sI had just built my new shipping and receiving emporium,
5.66sand I scoured the hardware store parking lot to assemble the finest crew imaginable.
3.69sThere was Candy, the raunchy by-the-books navigator,
3.47sLifter, the devastatingly handsome forklift,
5.79sand Captain Lando Tucker, a dedicated young man with no characteristics.
2.6sWe'll deliver that package or die trying.
2.99sHey, it's all my favorite patients.
2.2sAnd also Captain Tucker. Pow!
3.09sYou totally got me, Dr. John. You're hilarious.
1.38sZoidberg was popular?
1.63sZoidberg had hair?
2.4sI never said he had hair!
2.89sIf you chose to imagine him that way, that's your business.