2.37sOh, Mom ! That's wonderful !
2.53s- Can I find out his favorite dish and help you make it ?
- Sure.
0.25sCan I wear your jewelry ?
0.92sCan I get my ears pierced ?
1.27sNo. Can I dye my shoes pink ?
1.57sYes. No. Can I paint my nails ?
0.93sCan we have wine ? Yes.
1.3sCan I have wine ? No.
2.4s- Does Bart have to be there ? Can we do it this week ?
- Yes.
3.02sMr. Bergstrom, may I request the pleasure of your company ?
4sNo. Mr. Bergstrom, if you're not doing anything this Friday--
2.54sNo. Mr. Bergstrom, do you like pork chops ?
2.4sOh, no, of course you wouldn't.
1.12sGood morning, Lisa.
2.03sI'm back.