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3.84sIf you were smarter, you might think of something, but you're not, so you might as well--
3.74sAll right, all right ! I'll take her. Lousy brain.
5.1s- What do you mean by "suggested donation" ?
- Pay any amount you wish, sir.
0.29sAnd what if I wish to pay zero ?
3.62sWell, it's up to you.
0.55sOoh, so it's up to me, is it ?
2.43sI see. And you think...
2.77sthat people are gonna pay you $4.50,
5.14seven though they don't have to, just out of the goodness of their--
3.87sWell, anything you say. Good luck, lady ! You're gonna need it.
1.83sMr. Bergstrom !
2.8sHi, Lisa. Hey, you don't have to pay ! Read the sign.
2.05sAnd this must be your father.
2.87sHis teeth had jagged edges to rip through your body,
2.09sbut he could've swallowed you whole.
0.82sWow !
4.07sActually, Mr. Simpson, they do know a great deal about the process of mummification.
2.6sFirst, they pulled the brain out through the nose with an iron hook...