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3.87sWell, anything you say. Good luck, lady ! You're gonna need it.
1.83sMr. Bergstrom !
2.8sHi, Lisa. Hey, you don't have to pay ! Read the sign.
2.05sAnd this must be your father.
2.87sHis teeth had jagged edges to rip through your body,
2.09sbut he could've swallowed you whole.
0.82sWow !
4.07sActually, Mr. Simpson, they do know a great deal about the process of mummification.
2.6sFirst, they pulled the brain out through the nose with an iron hook...
2.77sand stuffed the insides with sawdust and onions. Eww, gross !
1.87sOoh, pretty creepy.
3.84sStill, I'd rather have him chasing me than the Wolfman. Oh, Lord.
2.2sMr. Simpson, I'm going to be presumptuous.
3.34sI have noticed that Lisa seems to feel she has no strong male role model.
1.32sShe said that ?
2.38sWell, no, she didn't say it, but, you know, she--
3.27sBut you can tell, right ? She looks around and sees everybody else's dad...