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3.17sBut I suppose it's this medal I'm most proud of, Wiggles.
3.7sI won it for saving the children of Earth from a giant kangaroo.
2.94sIt was on the Australian news. You probably didn't see it.
3.2sBrilliant! Would you cram a sock in it, Bender!
3.85sThose aren't even medals. They're bottle caps and pepperoni slices.
1.82sThank you, steward.
3.27sWiggles, weren't you about to propose a toast to your gallant captain?
4.2sFine! I've got a toast. To Captain Bender, he's the best...
2.19sat being a big jerk who's stupid...
2.79sand his big ugly face is as dumb as a butt.
1.7sAh, I've heard better.
1.97sIf I were in charge, I wouldn't treat you like this.