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3.07sit could mean you've got barnacles on your prostate.
2.67sBest have sick bay check below your decks.
3.37sWait a minute. Are you telling me I need a prostate exam?
3.1sAye, and soon, before your rudder jams with flotsam,
3.1sand you're dropping anchor without an order from the Captain.
2.04s- How're you liking all these nautical puns?
- Cute.
1.6sNot bad. Somewhat entertaining.
1.94sMy God, I'd better see a doctor.
3.17sBut no doctor in town will see you after that lawsuit.
2.4sWell, then, I'll just find a doctor out of town.
1.97sListen, I know I'm not a regular patient,
2.63sbut I think I have some trouble with my prostate.
1.37sSo can you help me out, Dr. McCoy?
1.6sWhat, so you can sue me, too?
1.53sOh, come on, it'll only take a sec.
2.97sForget it. I'm a doctor, not a patsy.
2.37sLois, what are you doing? I want to sleep in your bed.
2.67sOh, good night, honey. I love you.
2sThis is for your own good.
1.97sLois, where are you going?
3.1sLois? Lois? Lois, answer me!
2.47sDamn you, I will not be ignored! Get back in here!