1.5s(SIGHING) You know what, fat man?
2.63sI'm not sure how to say this without sounding cheesy,
3.54sbut, uh, well, you really came through for me today. So I...
1.7sOh, what the hell.
2.03sOh, I love you, too, buddy.
3.14sCome on, Stewie. Let's go home.
3.44sHmm, Florida. Just think, somewhere in this state right now,
2.63sJeb Bush is eating a live puppy.
4.97sWell, Jesse, I guess we got to find some other way to spend our evenings.
4.5sMALE T.V. ANNOUNCER: And now back to ESPN's exclusive coverage of the Little League World Series.
1.73sOh, jackpot!