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2.94sWell, I'm off. Wait! We can hide you!
2.1sWe'll pile fruit on you and claim you're a bowl.
3.7sNo. I'm goin' to the party. I won't let you!
4.32sFry, as you know, there are lots of things I'm willin' to kill for--
4.17sjewels, vengeance, Father O'Malley's weed whacker.
4.04sBut at long last, I've found something I'm willing to die for--
2.44sthis mindless turtle.
2.8sBender, this world isn't good enough for you.
2.07sNot even close.
3.84sGood-bye, everybody! Don't touch my stuff after I'm dead!
2.17sIt's booby-trapped!
3.45sDo A little dance make A little love
1.92sget down tonight
2.47sget down tonight
3.94sdo A little dance make A little love
3.72sget down tonight get down tonight