5.1sI recommend a trial separation, during which time I advise that you date other people.
2.67sI believe This will help you gather perspective on your marriage.
0.97sDate other people?
1.33sOh, my God!
2.07sI realize this is very upsetting for you.
4.94sThat's why I've invited Howie Mandell to lighten the mood by blowing up a surgical glove with his nose.
1.43sBoy, this feels really weird, Lois.
2.17sI know. But maybe the doctor's right.
2.1sThis time apart could be good for us.
1.47sAh, I don't know, Lois.
2.23sSplitting up didn't work too well for Pac Man and his wife.
1.83sHey, Come on, buddy. Forget about her.
1.73sYeah. You're too good for her anyway.
1.03sCheer up, man.
1.47sHey--Hey! You want to eat us? Huh?