1.85sT.C., you fly the chopper around the island.
1.8sI'll go talk to the beautiful women.
2.8sAnd Tattoo here will keep an eye out for the kidnappers.
1.48sUh, Higgins.
1.83sWe'll need to Have security unlock the gate for me out front.
0.93sOk, Tattoo?
1.5sUh, it's Higgins.
2.55sOh, um, Peter, I'm just, uh...
2.43sUh, gonna go out for a few hours.
3.3sUh, So, i--I'll return in a few hours.
2.63sYeah, I'll do it when this is over.
2.37sHey, Lois, can you grab me a beer?
1.12sDad, I think she went out.
1.27sAll right. Then you be Lois.