2.82suntil you are deemed fit to reenter society.
3.12sFire it up, boys.
0.37sSee you in hell, Seymour!
2.82sGood-bye, Mother.
1.95sHow horrible!
3.22sIf they're really witches, why don't they use their powers to escape?
0.5sThat sounds like witch talk to me, Lisa.
2.38sWell, that's 75 witches we've processed.
2.74sThat oughta show God whose side we're on, eh, Pastor?
4.42sYes, Nedwin, but we have many more strumpets to incinerate.
3.54sBrothers and sisters, there is still a witch among us.
3.27sLet us throw open the floor to, uh, wild accusations.
2.4sWhoo-hoo! I accuse Goodie Flanders!