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2.57sYou don't feel... angry?
2.59sAbsotively not-arinO!
2.12sHow do you feel about me?
5.25sPretty darn diddilly-doodilly good!
3.07sThe only problem with the treatment was that it worked too well.
2.99sYou became unable to express any anger at all.
2.68sFrom that point on, any time you felt angry,
3.94syou could only respond with a string of nonsensical jabbering.
2.42sWell, I'll be darn-diddilly-arned!
0.71sYeah, that's the stuff.
2.32sYou suppressed your rage for so long,
4.22sit finally erupted as a massive public explosion.
2.39sIt sure did-diddilly-id. All right, all right.
2.97sjust watch it there. I'm here to help, you know.
2.14sNow, I'd like to try something.
3.24sIs there any person who makes you particularly angry?
4.02sMental hospital? I don't know any Ned Flanders.
2.4sThe man who lived next door until his house blew down?