3.89sThe air is electric here at Super Bowl XXXIII tonight!
5.31sPat, it's safe to say that all these fans came out here to watch a game of football!
2.03sJohn, we're in commercial.
2.87sYeah, I know. I'm just making conversation.
1.2sCome on.
1.8sAmazing. You can barely drive a car,
1.77sand Yet you were allowed to fly a blimp?
2.64sYeah, America's great, isn't it? Except for the South.
1.6sBoy, I hope Lois is watching.
2.22sOk, taxpayers, here you go!
2.74sLooks like We're getting some rain here tonight, John.
3.77sYeah. Hey, wait a second! This is no ordinary rain!