0.93s- PETER!
- What?
1.33sAre you sleeping on the job?
3.2sNo. There's a bug in my eye and I'm trying to suffocate him.
3.87sPeter, I like you. But I need you to be more than just eye candy around here.
3.14sIt's your job to watch for any toys that could be hazardous to kids.
1.13sNow, look sharp!
1.2sYes, sir!
1.72sAnd now back to Action News 5.
1.27sOur top story tonight,
1.43s"When Toys Attack."
1.67sQuite a situation we've got here, Tom.
2.4sQuite a situation we've got here, Tom, indeed, Diane.
2.94sIt seems The Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Company of quahog, Rhode Island,
3.27shas released several highly unsafe toy products into the retail market.
2.17sCome on, Timmy! Throw the Silly Ball!
2.12sOh, Boy! A Pound Poochie!