1.7sIf I didn't have you, I'd be lost.
1sYou'd be okay.
1.25sNo, I wouldn't.
2.55sI don't really care for anybody else. Just you.
1.43sYou're the only one I like.
2.24sWell, thanks.
2.24sI like you a lot.
3.4sI guess you could say I really like you.
1.43sI mean, not in like a,
2.33s"Hey, let's, you know, let's have an underpants party,"
2.27sor whatever grown-ups do when they're in love,
6.91sbut I mean I love you as one loves another person whom one simply cannot do without.
1.67sWell, I...
1.9sI love you, too, Stewie.
2.34sYou give my life purpose.
3.15sAnd maybe that's enough.