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0.27sOkay. Grandpa.
0.67sNo, the B-U-M.
2.67sWait. There's an easy way to get rid of Chester...
2.2swithout the guilt of sending him back to the gutter.
2.94sAnd all it will cost you is a thousand dollars.
4.67sExhibit A: Steamboat Itchy, dated 1928.
4.74sThe very first Itchy and Scratchy cartoon. And the credits clearly state,
4.3s"Written, directed and created by Roger Myers.
2.27s"Music by Roger Myers and George Gershwin.
2.44s"Produced by Roger Myers and joseph P. Kennedy.
4.34sCopyright 1928 by Roger Myers."
3.8sYou will also notice Mr. Myers's name and copyright notice...
6.07son the original drawings of the other members of the Itchy and Scratchy family: Brown-Nose Bear, Disgruntled Goat,
2.64sFlatulent Fox, Rich Uncle Skeleton...
1.87sand Dinner Dog.
3.54sMy client's film predates all of those things, Your Honor.