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3.72sMaybe Mr. Bender can get a spot in the closet of presidential losers.
1.65sBob Dole needs company.
2.38sLarouche won't stop with the knock-knock jokes.
1.02sSo telleth, Bender--
1.67sWhat hath happened to your body?
1.07sI hocked it.
1.83sHocked it? Why wouldst thou do that?
1.7sSame reason you hocked your teeth.
2.49sAh, booze money.
1.7sI remember my body.
3.79sFlabby, pasty-skinned, riddled with phlebitis.
1.54sA good Republican body.
1.8sGod, I loved it.
1.1sI hear that.
2.15sI spent most of my teen years loving my body.
1.63sCourse, it was tough love--
2.45sFry, he opened up relations with China.
2.1sHe doesn't want to hear about your ding-dong.
4.24sSo, Nixon, even if you miss your body being a head's great, too, right?
1.02sNo, son.
2.3sIt's a sad and lonely life.