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4.52sJustin? Justin, that does not work for me.
3.08sAnd it looks like there are signs of trauma around the throat.
1.83sSomebody strangled this fat kid.
2.04s- Wait. He was strangled? - Yeah.
1.8sJoe, I know who did it.
1.5sYou do? Who?
3.67sWell, there's only one person I know who likes to strangle fat guys,
1.37sPatrick Pewterschmidt.
1.9sWho's that? My brother-in-law.
2.32sPeople call him the Fat Guy Strangler.
2.57sHe's always had a thing for strangling fat guys.
2sI guess he fits the profile, Peter,
2.43sbut Lois' brother is locked up in an asylum.
1.47sWell, either way, we gotta get out of here.
1.73sOtherwise, we're just sitting ducks!
2.65sHey, we all know this guy goes for the classy ladies.
3.2sIn fact, I once caught him trying to pick up a quack whore.
5.35s(ALL LAUGHING) All right, calm down. We all make bad choices.
2.65s(PHONE RINGING) Hello?
2.2sLois, I hope you're sitting down. I got something to tell you.
3.15sOh, God, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Is it Chris?