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10.36s(MUMBLES) ...America (MUMBLES) ...America (MUMBLES) ...America I got other news, too. One of the fat kids at camp got strangled!
1.5sOh, my God!
1.32sYeah, but don't worry. It ain't your brother.
1.85sHe's still locked up in that asylum.
3.92sUm... Mom, look who dropped by for a visit.
1.4sHello, Lois.
1.12s(GASPS) Patrick!
1.45sIt's been a long time.
2.13s(HUSHED TONE) Peter, he's here!
2.7sWait a second, Lois. I want to go back to what you said about my patter singing.
1.63sWho gives you the right?
4.44sYou know I carried Pirates of Penzance that season at Quahog Community Theater.
2.37sI am the...general...
4.77s(MUMBLING) ...mineral... historical...
2.3s(MUMBLING) ...with the eggs on top
3.62sMan, I hope we get back to your house before Patrick hurts anyone else.
2.3sIf he even lays a finger on my family,