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3.3sI'm right in your ear. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
5.72s(WHIMPERING) MAN: Won't you please do your part to help? Thank you.
2.38sWow! Inspiring stuff.
1.6sNow, underneath each one of your chairs,
4.07syou'll find a pamphlet with a simple list of animal rights dos and don'ts.
1.85sWait a minute. I'm not allowed to have steak?
2.12sWell, no. Steak is made by killing cattle.
1.68sNo medical research?
2.84sBut how are we supposed to find cures for disease?
4.3sWell, there are many more promising research methods for curing disease than animal testing.
1.8sName one. I want a hamburger.
1.7sI have a sudden craving for quail.
1.45sNo, no! You're missing the point!
2.27sWe've got to change our way of thinking.
2.58sAnimals are miracles of nature just like humans,
2.04sbut our society hasn't figured that out!
3.87sDid you know that in some Asian countries they actually cook and eat dogs?
2.6sWhat? Oh, no!
1.92sAre they good?
1.2sYeah, I wonder what they taste like.
4.74sI would try it. I mean, if everybody else was. I'm adventurous.