1.84sHey, what are you doing with my laptop?
1.45sGoing through your stuff.
3.07sWhy were you getting MapQuest directions to Abigail Breslin's house?
1.8sI just think she's a one-of-a-kind spirit,
1.53sand I don't want to see her go down the wrong...
2.77sI noticed you googled yourself, you egomaniac.
1.6sWhoa, whoa, that... That wasn't me.
1.53sMaybe Lois got on there. Uh-huh, uh-huh...
1.7sShe's fascinated by things that are going on in my life and...
1.1s(SCOFFING) Yeah, yeah, yeah...
2.37sFine! I googled myself, okay? You got me!
5.54sBut check this out. I found a website for a group called the Rhode Island Society for Special Literary Excellence,
3.04sand they happen to have chosen to read and discuss my book,