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0.35sPlease, please, please, please, please, please.
2sWe're hoping that one of the children...
2.64smight pop up with a question about the upcoming election.
2.1sLittle girl, do you think you can memorize this by dinnertime tomorrow ?
4.74s"Mr. Burns, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train.
1.52sWhy are you so popular ?"
0.73sVery good.
1.85sHmm. Well, as long as I'm asking something,
3.17scan I ask him to assuage my fears that he's contaminating the planet...
2.2sin a manner that may one day render it uninhabitable ?
1.84sNo. The card question will be fine.
2.4sI think the non-card question is a valid one.
2.4sMarge ! Don't worry. My daughter's very bright,
2.97sand I'm sure she'll be able to memorize your question by dinnertime tomorrow.
4.77sAnd finally, Mr. Burns wants you to appear very affectionate to him.
2.94sBut we must remind you, he hates being touched.
3.8sMarge, get back in bed. No, I'm just fine right here.