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2.57sAh, I suppose that's normal background radiation,
3.07sthe kind you'd find at any well-maintained nuclear facility...
3.94s- or, for that matter, playgrounds and hospitals.
- Sorry.
3.34sGum used to seal crack in cooling tower.
2.39sDoh. I'm as shocked as you are.
2.3sPlutonium rod used as paperweight.
2.43sOh, now, that shouldn't be.
2.95sYeah, well, that's always been like that.
3.69sWaah ! Ah, just resting my eyes.
3.95sAh, well done. A rested employee is a vigilant employee.
1.95sMonitoring station unmanned.
2.27sLook here, Inspector.
3.74sEh, could I speak to you privately in my office ?
2.5sMr. Burns,
0.43sin 20 years, I have never seen such a shoddy, deplorable--
3.97sOh, look.
4.15sSome careless person has left thousands and thousands of dollars...
2.62sJust lying here on my coffee table.