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2.87sMm-mmm. I'm going to be ringing doorbells for Mary Bailey that night.
3.8sDoh ! Doh ! Kids, please leave the room. I don't want you to see this.
0.35sPlease, please, please, please, please, please.
2sWe're hoping that one of the children...
2.64smight pop up with a question about the upcoming election.
2.1sLittle girl, do you think you can memorize this by dinnertime tomorrow ?
4.74s"Mr. Burns, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train.
1.52sWhy are you so popular ?"
0.73sVery good.
1.85sHmm. Well, as long as I'm asking something,
3.17scan I ask him to assuage my fears that he's contaminating the planet...
2.2sin a manner that may one day render it uninhabitable ?
1.84sNo. The card question will be fine.
2.4sI think the non-card question is a valid one.
2.4sMarge ! Don't worry. My daughter's very bright,
2.97sand I'm sure she'll be able to memorize your question by dinnertime tomorrow.
4.77sAnd finally, Mr. Burns wants you to appear very affectionate to him.