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3.77sThat's why we've assembled the finest campaign team money can buy.
2.6sThis is your speech writer, your joke writer,
3.4syour spin doctor, your makeup man and your personal trainer.
4.77sTheir job-- to turn this Mr. Burns... into this.
2.37sWhy are my teeth showing like that ?
0.34sBecause you're smiling.
3.33sAh, excellent.
3.14sHey, this is exactly the kind of trickery I'm paying you for.
3.97sBut how do we turn your average Joe Six-Pack against Mary Bailey ?
2.03sWith this team of investigators.
0.35sYour muckraker,
1.43sHow do you do ?
3.3s- your character assassin, your mudslinger, your garbologist. - Hello.
3.22sTheir job is to turn Mary Bailey from this...
2.94sinto this.
3.14sAh, visual aids help so much. Thank you.
2.44sBut first, there's a burning issue that we need to address...
2.63sand neutralize immediately.
2.44sDah ! I hate that fish.
3.67sThank you for watching Movie for a Dreary Afternoon.