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3.74sThe latest polls are in. It's dead even, 50-50.
2.6sThis cornball stunt is gonna put us over the top.
1.89sWhoa, he's here !
2.97sHello, Homer.
2.55sMarge, you look... dazzling.
3.57sOh, and look, I brought noodle kugel.
2.54sAah !
3.4sYou.. bad dog. Bad... neighbor dog.
2.07sHere. Let me help you up, Mr. Burns.
3.87s- Ah ! Watch it. - I love dogs. Babies too.
4.27sKitty, kitty.
2.2sUh, you all right, Mr. Burns ? Oh !
3.64sOf course. A little roughhousing with the pets is good for a man's appetite.
3.24sThe latest polls are in. The statesmanlike way you handled the pet incident...
1.94shas put you over the top.