2.44sYour sister says you have something to tell me.
2.08sWhat? Uh--
3.89sUm, yeah. Oh, I just-- I just wanted to say how great it is...
2.1sto finally see some chicks on the bench.
1.5sKeep up the good work, toots.
1.93sWhy bother votin'? He's guilty.
1.97sWell, we might as well make it official.
3.8sWhat does "sequestered" mean? If the jury is deadlocked, they are put in a hotel together...
2.07sso they can't communicate with the outside world.
0.5sWhat does "deadlocked" mean?
2.95sIt's when the jury can't agree on a verdict.
0.4sUh-huh. And "if"?
2.19sA conjunction meaning...
2.35s"in the event that" or "on condition that."
3.77sSo if we don't all vote the same way,