4.82sI intend to prove that Freddy Quimby is totally innocent.
4.07sFirst of all, his accuser is a very shady character.
3.8sThat waiter, Mr. LaCoste, not only wasn't born in Springfield,
3.57she wasn't even born in this country!
3.32sIt's an exclusive! From now on, you tell me everything.
4.29sUh, Freddy Quimby was with me the entire... night in question.
3.87sWe were collecting canned goods for the starving people in,
1.87suh, you know, one of them loser countries.
2.37sWell, that clears Quimby. He's clearly innocent.
2.48sOh, good. My laundry is done.
2.17sYou see, Lisa? They don't need my testimony.