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1.99s- I'm telling. - "Munch mud."
2.53sOh, man.
4.13sAnd in a flash, Bats glory has gone the way of England's masculinity.
3.06sts a dangerous life being a hall monitor.
1.73sWhen you leave home in the morning...
4.03syou may be kissing your dolls good-bye for the last time.
2.09sMy sash says "Ultraman."
2.9sI think weve seen enough.
3.44sYou should realize that our school is not all nitwits and Nelsons.
1.9sWhy dont I open a door at random?
2.97sw'w' f Background: Classical]
3.16sWhy, look! ts typical student Lisa Simpson.
2.9sOh, hello. l’vejust been listening to Bach...
1.9swhile reading at a sixth-grade level.
2.47sHitting it off already.
1.9sI havent seen such a natural pair...
1.97ssince "half-sandwich and soup ofthe day."
1.7sI'll just leave you two alone.
3.44sRemember, as far as he knows, we still teach math.
4.33sHmm. Lisa, I cant help but wonder ifthis is a bit of a put-on.