2.8sI found a way to prove to the town we're not losers.
2.54sI've entered us in a doubles tournament.
3.65sWhat? We're not ready to compete. Don't worry.
1.82sThe tournament's not till tomorrow.
2.3sOkay, get ready for the serve.
3.15sAaah! Get 'em off! Get 'em off!
2.67sYou take over, Bart.
3.27sLisa! Lisa, beer me.
2.37sI'll be right out, honey. Oh, that's okay.
2.94sBart's doing fine. You just have another beer.
2.54sNow, that's the kind of nagging I can live with.
2.42sSo Barney's, like, "You're on your own, dude."
2sAnd I'm, like, "Not even."
3.97sI don't know what this has to do with the Civil War. I'm getting to that.