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3.1salongside those of our most distinguished alumni.
2.3sThank you very much.
3s- Like many of you, I never knew my parents. - Give me a--
2.9sI don't know if they were mighty alien overlords, That little--
2.49sor simply underpaid alien janitors,
2.64swho fought crime on the side. There we are. Picture's up.
0.51sIt's crooked!
3.8sIn the end though, it doesn't matter who my parents were.
2.9sAll that matters is what I learned here,
2.22swithin these unscalable walls,
3.17sthat I had the strength to make it on my own.
3.67sjust like all of you kids here today.
3.74sLeela! Leela! Leela!
1.87sLook at me! I'm Leela!
2.07sUh-uh, 'cause I'm Double Leela.
2.42sThat's it, Albert. No more espresso for you.
2.7sMind if we get a picture of you with your picture for the news, ma'am?