5.74sand now we approach the championship match with but two warriors remaining: the heretofore unknown Bart Simpson...
2.74sand Todd Flanders, one of the most skilled ten-year-olds...
1.94sto ever take back the blade.
3.35sBart, having never received any words of encouragement myself,
3.74sI'm not sure how they're supposed to sound, but here it goes.
1.94sDear lord, we beseech Thee--
1.9sHey, Flanders, it's no use praying.
2.94sI already did the same thing, and we can't both win.
3.47sActually, Simp-son, we were praying that no one gets hurt.
2.77sOh, well, Flan-ders, it doesn't matter.
3.3s- This time tomorrow you'll be wearing high heels.
- Nope. You will.
1.47s- 'Fraid noT. 'Fraid noT.
- 'Fraid so. 'Fraid so.
2.57s- 'Fraid not, infinity. Doh !
- 'Fraid so, infinity plus one.