2.24sThat's like looking at a 12-year-old boy.
3.2sJeez! You should know that, Joe! You should definitely know that!
1.13sSorry, Peter.
1.63sSorry doesn't show me nipples worth seeing!
1.23sAnd as for you, Anna,
1.8syou're dreadful and so is the program.
1.32sI didn't write it.
1.5sYeah, but you know the people who do.
1.6sThat Alan Ball, you know him, right?
1.82sHow come everything he writes is so dreary?
0.92sI don't know.
1.75sTell him to cheer up! Things ain't so bad!
1.9sThis is a weird episode.
5.99sOkay, Quagmire, I want you to take the first bite out of this fudge pop because that first bite is the one that really hurts.
1.2sWell, okay.
2.45s(GRUNTS) Ah!