0.97sWhoa! What the hell?!
1.47sW-w-where am I?!
1.39sWhat in the hell?!
0.05s55 years. Not bad, Marty,
1.56sYou kind of wasted your 30s, though,
1.3swith that whole bird-watching phase.
0.97sW-where's my wife?!
1.3sMarty, you were just playing a game.
0.86sIt's called "Roy."
0.83sSnap out of it. Come on.
1.83sI'm Marty, You're Rick.
1.83sHey! You sold a gun to a guy that kills people!
1.49sLook at this -- you beat cancer,
1.9sand then you went back to work at the carpet store?