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2.58sComing through. Challenge. Duel. Hi, Lenny. How dare you? Demand satisfaction.
2.89s"Suh," your challenge is accepted.
3.92sHuh? I agree to the duel, "suh." I choose pistols at dawn.
4.65sPistols at dawn? Oh, why did I have to slap a guy who says "suh"?
2.64sYou'll need a will and a headstone. Aisle six.
3.44sAisle six?
2.97sDueling at dawn? How did it ever come to this?
2.92sThe National Weather Service says dawn is still scheduled for 6:20 tomorrow,
2.1sand to please stop calling.
3.62sOh, Homer. I bet that Southern colonel doesn't even show up.
0.45sYeah, he's probably just a big blowhard like you.
3.69sSir, that is an insult!