1.33sGood evening, I'm Tom Tucker,
1.73sand the reason I'm wearing this mask
2.57sis because we've got a Make-A-Wish kid in the studio tonight,
3.44swho, as you'll find out as the show goes on, is quite a cougher.
2.27sIn local news, Mayor West signed a bill today...
2.57s(COUGHS) See? That's what I was talking about.
5.54s(COUGHING) Are we gonna get that, or are we gonna wait for commercial?
1.68sNo, no, you have to spray it. You can't just wipe...
2.3sLook, you know what? Let's just throw the whole camera out.
2.92sOkay, Joyce, you talk now. I don't even want to open my mouth.